
Ask Flo

AT WELLINGTON Square, we firmly believe that everyone who menstruates should have the fundamental right to access sanitary products and manage their periods safely without stigma.

That’s why we’ve introduced the ‘Ask Flo’, an initiative aimed at tackling period poverty and promoting menstrual health awareness to create positive change within our community.

What is the ‘Ask Flo’ service?

‘Ask Flo’ is our way of addressing the pressing issue of menstrual inequality, one message at a time.

When visiting Wellington Square, ‘Ask Flo’ allows you to access free sanitary essentials simply by asking a member of the Wellington Square staff.

This service is designed to provide immediate support to those who may be struggling to obtain these vital products, no questions asked.

Why have we introduced the ‘Ask Flo’ service?

A recent survey conducted by Plan International UK* revealed the shocking reality of period poverty in the UK.

Amid the worst cost-of-living crisis in 40 years, 1 in 4 girls aged 14-21 reported struggling to afford period products.

Within this group, half had to cut down on their spending for food and groceries to buy sanitary items, and a concerning 1 in 10 had no choice but to turn to food banks to access them.

Our goal is to help end this problem and pave the way for a fairer and more equitable society in Stockton-on-Tees and beyond!

How can you access the ‘Text Flo’ service?

Using the ‘Ask Flo’ service is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

1. Speak to a member of Wellington Square staff and ask for Flo.

2. Receive a discreet package.

3. Enjoy your shopping in comfort and style!

Let’s shout about Flo!

We invite every member of our community to rally behind the ‘Ask Flo’ initiative and join us in our mission to extend support to as many individuals as possible.

Working as one, we have the power to change the mentality around menstruation, turning a source of hardship into a natural and dignified aspect of life. This will not only have a profound impact on those affected by period poverty but also contribute to the creation of a more just and inclusive society.

Together, let’s create a period-positive world we can all be proud of!

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