
Do Summer Safely  

WE ARE working with Counter Terrorism Policing to help keep everyone safe this summer.

We are supporting their summer campaign, encouraging the public to stay alert and report anything that doesn’t feel right to security.  

We all have a role to play in keeping each other safe. Your safety is our priority and that’s why we have 24/7 Security, extra Security staff at key times and CCTV in operation throughout the entire centre.

You can play your part by trusting your instincts, and if you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell security. Our teams will take every report seriously. You won’t be wasting their time.  

Here are some quick tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable time:

  • Stay alert and look out for each other. If you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell security. Don’t leave it to someone else.
  • Don’t leave bags unattended. Never agree to look after a stranger’s bag, no matter how genuine they seem.
  • If there is an incident, listen to staff and any announcements.

In an emergency, always call 999.

We always look forward to welcoming you to Wellington Square and if you see something that doesn’t feel right, report it to security straight away.

Thank you for playing your part.

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